Introduction to working with UX-design (User Experience design) and UI-design ( User interface design) on MMD
Post is in english
Introduction to working with UX-design (User Experience design) and UI-design ( User interface design) on MMD
Sound is a very important element in communication. Therefore it is important that multimedia design students get an introduction to sound design and how to use it in a video or games product.
With new AV – studios on Business Academy Lillebaelt, the students and over stakeholders can also record sound in good quality :).
This lecture is about how system development and requirements and modelling/diagramming can be seen in connection with a design thinking process and scrum elements like user stories on 2.sem MMD student. Modelling with UML elements like use case diagrams and use case descriptions will also involved.
Some desk research behind the slide
Lean UX is an interesting process that combines elements from Lean Startup, SCRUM and Design Thinking.
On Fall 2015 we tried to use this process to help Jysk Fynske Medier (JFM) with developing a Drupal based platform for content marketing and Lead generation.
Intro to 3 central elements in the Scrum framework for MMD students.
The session was a 2 hours long and with 6-9 teams of 5 students that did 3 iterations/sprint before making the final pitch of their solution.